Thursday, May 29, 2014

“How Microsoft has impacted your life and how you plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?”

How Microsoft has impacted my life?
                                                              Microsoft not only has impact on my life but also on almost everyone's life. Because now-a-days living without computer/desktop is impossible thing to do. So in one or other way Microsoft has impact on everyone's life. Irrespective of age group Microsoft has its impact on the users with age group of 5-10years for example they use products of Microsoft such as, paint to draw their useless stuff for time pass and play games in Xbox. Second age group i.e., from 8-24years use the products of Microsoft such as, paint as they grew up they use paint to put on their imaginations into computer, Xbox for games, MS-office for making their notes/presentation, Outlook for mailing,  Visual studio for developing apps, Internet explorer for browsing, music. Next age group from 25 to 45years use Visual studio for developing apps or to work, Internet explorer for browsing, Skype for video calling, Bing for maps, MS-office for their presentation, X-box games to relax themselves. At last 46 to 60years again they use MS-office for presentation and Internet explorer for browsing. Whereas in my life Microsoft have impacted in the same way that I have described i.e., when I was kid I used Microsoft products for fun having no knowledge about them, when I just grew up a bit used them for study purpose, Ms-office (word) taught me spelling and sentence formation, Internet explorer outlook bing for networking, Visual studio for developing apps. The most important element that is required to run computer Operating system is also provided in different versions. Microsoft even made my college life more interesting by conducting many events such as App fest, APP-a-THON in my college. Programs like Microsoft Student Partner and Microsoft Student Associates gives encouragement and provides ways to gain more knowledge, without them my life would have been so difficult to live and cope up with the problems. This is how Microsoft has impacted on my life.

My Plans to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate:
Well in fact of the numerous products developed by Microsoft there is no proper usage because of lack of knowledge in the society or people. Many of them have interest to use them but aren’t able to use as they basically don’t understand them. So as a Microsoft Student Associate I would take part to help out others understand how to work with the products of Microsoft. I will explain them by conducting seminars. Many of the students who doesn’t belongs to Computer Science & Engineering background have less idea about computer and products related to it. Even I’m from Electronics & Communication Engineering background but still because of my crazy and passion towards technology and Microsoft I learnt them, this is not the case with most of the other students. So I will help the students of my campus by conducting events and seminars in college. When we have everything then why to miss just because of not having proper information. So being a Microsoft Student Associate I would like to change the society in an organised manner where dealing with technology becomes so easy and fun for everyone. When this program was announced I was so eager to take part in it as I feel that I have all the qualities that are required for any student to be a part of MSA. I am an enthusiastic student  I usually leads the team or group, I’m a Microsoft certified professional. So hopefully wish to get a chance by getting selected as Microsoft Student Associate
“Over the next 10 years, we’ll reach a point where nearly everything has become digitized.” this is how I would like to change the society... 

About ME:

Thanking you